Tuesday, May 1, 2012


With the calendar flipping to May today, I looked back at April on my MapMyRide training log. It had some neat stats to reflect on. Over the course of the month, I exercised at least a 1/2 hour on 21 days, and on many of the off days, I walked (at trade shows, the museum, etc.) Two of the days were counted as two workouts, the bricks, though I consider those one workout each. By the numbers, I ran or biked 82.78 miles. Including swimming, my total calorie burn for the month was 8,790 calories.

This morning was swimming, and we did 1,500 yards in the 45-minute session. There was a 300 warmup, then 12 50s where we would jog in the shallow water for half a length, swim to the deep end and back to the middle and water jog back to the edge. 1 minute rest between laps. Followed that with a 300 kicking with fins, dolphin kick up and free kick back. Then a 300 cool down. We'll be at a mile every session soon I think, which reinforces my confidence in finding a half-ironman next year. Maybe find an Olympic-distance tri for Spring and a HIM for fall... hmm. And the Pewaukee tri again that July.

Yesterday, I swapped my bike ride in on a running day. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, and I discovered Saturday that I'd much rather run in the rain than bike in the rain. (Actually, I almost missed the workout entirely for mental reasons, but many thanks to my wife who pushed me to go ride in the late afternoon.) I did 9.75 miles in about 35 minutes, for almost a16-mph average.

Oh, and I got on the scale again at the end of last week. Another great number. But I will try to resist the urge to weigh in every week, and just continue to log workouts and watch what I eat. Right now, I want to beat that 8,790 number for May. On June 1, I'd like the May exercise calendar to show 9,000-plus calories burned. After this morning's swim, I have 8,584 more calories to burn.

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