Friday, October 28, 2011


It's been awhile since I rode, partly due to weather, partly to work travel last week and ... now I learned my bike may have a recall. So, it's back to the bike shop next week to get remedied and then onto the trainer.

And, coming soon, swimming.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Light week

I got two good rides in this week before the rain, cold and wind came back. Indian summer was nice while it lasted.

Next week, I'll be bike-less at the home office in NY, so I'll have to go out of my way to do some extra walking, stretching and watching what I eat. And then, apparently back on the trainer when I get home.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I see progress

Did a 14-mile ride today at lunch in just under an hour. I noticed on my Map My Ride workouts summary that I am at 40.5 miles for the week, making this my first 40-mile week. I want to get out tomorrow for at least 10 now to make it my first 50-mile week too.

That's not my only progress though. I noticed today on the hill just east of my house that used to be a challenge was now just a slight adjustment, even at the end of a longer (for me) ride. I also notice that anything less than about eight miles doesn't feel like I really got a workout in.

All in all, heading into the weekend on a high note.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

broken record

Another beautiful day. It's about 80 degrees out today and no clouds. Tackled an average difficulty 8.75-miler today in about 34 minutes and close to 15.2 mph average.

Other updates: Good news from the scale this week. Gotta capitalize on that before winter holidays set in.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Another beautiful noontime ride, but the box-elder bugs and wasps tried to run me off the road in some areas. Ick.

Anyway, did a 7.25-mile ride in under 30 minutes, for a nice break in the day. And the weather looks like some great rides to come the rest of the week, too.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blue skies

Today was a beautiful day for a lunchtime bike ride. About 68 degrees, light wind and blue skies in every direction. I turned in a 45-minute 10.5-mile ride with a nice selection of rolling terrain and a couple steep hills.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Slow ride

I didn't get the ride in I wanted to today. I wanted to do 18 miles to karate and back. I left with enough time to get there if I averaged about 14 mph, but hit strong headwinds when I turned north, which would have been the bulk of the ride. I continued on until I knew I wouldn't make class on time, then turned down some country roads and meandered home.

Total miles: 15.4. Avg: 11.5 mph.

Still a nice ride though.