Monday, June 25, 2012

Big update

OK, so it's been about 10 days since I last posted. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean I've missed out on sharing 15-16 workouts. It's only been six. (On the other hand, compared to a year ago at this time, that's six more workouts than I did then.)

The last update was my last time swimming, as I missed all last week swim sessions while I was in (upstate) NY for work. That means I also missed bike rides, as I couldn't beg, borrow or rent something to use during the week. I did get three runs in though, and they seemed to go well—if only for the change of scenery and bigger hills.

So, since my June 14 post, here's a brief outlay of what I've done:

  • June 16: Big brick with 15.8 -mile bike ride and 5k run. 59 minutes and 42 minutes, respectively. 
  • June 19: 5k run, 38:30. 
  • June 20: 4.05 miles, 52 minutes.
  • June 22: 3.3 miles, 42 minutes. (big hills this day, going up first half, then coming back with gravity...)
  • June 24: 15.87-mile bike ride, 58 minutes awesomely for a 16.4 mph average!
  • Today: 2-mile run, 22 minutes. Lunchtime bike ride was 9.xx miles in 36 minutes for a 15.3 mph average.

Observation on June

I re-read my post early in the month about June goals, and how they might be tricky because of travel, etc. It's like I could tell the future. Unless I do triple workouts this week (and I don't plan to), I won't hit 40 total workouts for the month. However, thanks to the three monster bike rides (2.5 to 3 hours each), I should be able to hit that 30 hours of exercise goal for the month.

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