Friday, September 2, 2011


I went for a nice long 15-mile bike ride yesterday, from my local bike shop in Whitewater back to home. There were a couple of tough hills along the way, and it was hot and muggy out. My water went from refreshing to warm awful quick. I completed the ride in 1:04 and felt pretty good when I got home.

Then I got on the scale this morning. Last results were pretty good on Monday, about a 2.4 lbs. loss over the previous eight days. Then today was a 2.6 gain, negating that entirely. It makes me want to chuck the whole thing. It feels like this is the body I'm stuck with no matter what I do.

I know it's not all going to change overnight, but the lbs. ups are extremely discouraging and the lbs. downs seem few and far between. Overall I'm still lighter than when I started this whole thing almost two months ago and I guess I need to use that as the big picture.


  1. Two months isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Are you planning on doing the tri next year and then just returning to old habits? If you're making an overall lifestyle change 2 months isn't much...

  2. No fair talking sense when I'm trying to feel down. ... You're right, two months is just the first steps on life change - I'm not going to chuck it all after that tri next year. Hopefully I'll be looking for the next tri, longer tris and so forth. (Thanks Andy)
